
Showing posts from July, 2009

Hiking Harper Creek Trail & South Harper Creek Falls

I don't normally blog about hiking. It's something I love to do. Something that challenges me. But writing about most hikes... I mean who wants to read "I climbed for a while and then got to this incredible view." No, that's why I take and post pictures of hikes. The woods can look the same to many people, but the things trails lead to are the things people can get excited about. That said, I had a hike today that warrants writing about. The Wilson Creek Area of North Carolina sits in the Pisgah National Forest. Getting there means driving on gravel National Forest Roads. And it is stunning. I had hiked this area before to Lost Cove Cliffs and North Harper Creek Falls. It is a rugged wilderness area. Any trail guide warns you that it is a remote area and must be treated as such. Where I went today was on another side of the area, just south of Mortimer, NC . The Forest Service (or someone) has posted a sign as you enter this area from the south noting t...

Clearing Up Some Things

They should start to call this time of year "silly season" on cable news. With no election on tap, every political issue is over-analyzed to death. And, despite arguably higher interest in political causes and news, there is still a ridiculous misunderstanding of basic civics. As such, as a public service, I'd like to clear up some things: We are not "socialist," nor are we likely to be. We have this thing, see, called the Constitution . This document, which people hold up all the time, might be the least-read document in our country. Or the most misunderstood. See, the Constitution states that we have a republic, including a bicameral legislature, an executive and a judicial branch. We are required, unless, we the people vote to amend the Constitution, required to be a republic. And if we start doing things that aren't in concert with that, the Supreme Court walks in and takes care of that. Further... a socially-supported healthcare system that is...

Regional delicacies... indeed

One of my readers asked for a new blog post. That's a solid 20%-25% of the readership (hey, prove me wrong in the comments). So... Just got back from a trip to Baltimore/Washington. In fact, today was the third time I've found myself in BWI airport in as many months. But today was the first time I was able to have crab in Maryland in years. WIN. The thing is, anymore, the crabs you get in Baltimore aren't from the Bay. There is a long, unfortunate story about why. That said, regardless, Maryland people know how to cook them some crab. Ate lunch today at G&M Restaurant in Linthicum , MD. Ridiculously huge crab cakes made of generous lumps of crabmeat . Old Bay? Oh yes. Got me thinking... what food MUST I have when I travel someplace? Some thoughts: Pizza in New York City - While I have found fantastic pizza in the South - some as good as NYC's - there's still something about grabbing a slice in some standing-only place in Manhattan. Also, many pi...

Location, location, location...

I think it's important to really enjoy the place you live. It's not OK to be someplace and not enjoy what you have around you. Granted, there are people who, due to their attitude toward life and its challenges, won't be happy anywhere. Still, the missus and I were discussing how lucky we are living where we do. Charlotte on its own is a more-than-tolerable place to pass the time (and with two new music venues drawing mid-size acts, it's getting better by the day). But it also seems like the perfect place to be able to explore with ease. Consider the destinations we've hit for long weekends (and in some cases day trips): Charleston, SC - Really, it can be a day trip if you don't mind a long- ish day. And really, this is one of America's great cities. We didn't get married there for kicks. It was a place we loved and knew anyone who travelled there would adore. Palm-lined streets. Crazy history. A city that really feels like no other I've ...