
Showing posts from May, 2010

Panic! Says... anybody?

Have you heard? People are quitting Facebook in droves! I was CNN. com's lead story Thursday! Let's see: Concerns over Facebook's new privacy policy and the online social network's recent efforts to spread its information across the Web have led some of the site's faithful to delete their accounts Whoa! That's a big development. Tell me... how big is this trend? It's unclear how many people have chosen to delete their Facebook accounts in recent weeks. ... Seriously? We can now report on trends with no quantitative backing in reality? Awesome. Looking forward to the following headlines: Fewer eating at McDonald's. You can just tell. More people than ever sleeping on their backs, says guy who thinks it's comfy Everyone agrees my blog is the best blog ever. Because. It's a great day for journalism.

In Which My Dog Causes Me to Spend Money

Dogs are great. The upside to owning a dog far exceeds any downsides. From the way the dog so openly shows love for you to the way other people on the street love on your dog randomly... pretty cool. There are downsides, though. Mainly, that they do not speak English. If my dog (Ashley) spoke English, I'd have some extra dinero today. Alas, my dog does not speak English. This started a few weeks ago. I came home from work while Sarah was at the gym. Ashley was sitting under the desk in our den with a full view of the door, awaiting my return. That would be OK, except her crate, which we keep her in for safety reasons when we're out for a bit, is in another room. At first, we wondered if maybe we just had failed to zipper the crate fully and that Ashley was able to nose through. However, Houdini here had other plans. We started to use twist-ties to ply the crate's two zippers together. You would think a creature lacking opposable thumbs would be confounded by this. But no...

The Disgraceful Gospel

This is a touchy topic, but it's one that needs to be addressed and we, as reasonable people, should be able to discuss respectfully (even though the motivation for this post is someone speaking rather disrespectfully). First off, something that I need to say that you should keep in mind as you read: I do not care what you believe in. Politics. Religion. Pizza toppings. Don't give a swat. But... I will ask that you be accountable for your views and what they mean on the whole. So... Franklin Graham, son of Rev. Billy Graham, is mad. You can read the entire piece, rather objectively written and in context, here . In this story, Graham says some things that I've heard other evangelical Christians say lately. And again, I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs... only ask that they be accountable for them. So, let's have at it with Mr. Graham: "If President Obama fails to intervene to allow controversial evangelist Franklin Graham to lead a National Day of Prayer e...