Waiting for that "plus" part...
I take it for granted that everyone has heard of Google+ by now. Such is life when you work in PR and many of your friends are involved in some capacity with social media from a business standpoint. But if, not... Google just reinvented Facebook. There. You are up to speed. All week, my Twitter stream has been filled with Google+ tutorials. Analysis. Predictions. I'm trying to discern what is helpful and what is someone trying to land a new contract for freelance social media counseling. The truth is, no one knows if Google+ is the next Facebook or the next Google flame-out. And anyone who tells you it's going to replace Facebook? Ask them why. The thing about social media is that we users still control it. If Google+ makes it, we, the users, get the lion's share of credit. Sure, Google could entice us all with amazing features, but a social media channel is only as good as the users it carries. You probably stopped using MySpace for a number of reasons, but chief among the...