
Showing posts from January, 2013

Not fearing the flu

So, the thing is... I don't get the flu shot. I used to. And someday, I may do so again. But, otherwise, the way I see it, I'm at the point in my lifetime where I'm feeling pretty good about avoiding the flu by being kind to my body. I don't want to get sick (like... really don't want to get sick), but I would rather roll the dice and build up the antibodies should I fall ill. I realize this is a terribly out-of-date way to approach preventing illness. I'm not one of those anti-vaccine people (by the way, the guy who started that whole thing about the MMR vaccine causing autism? Yeah, discredited and debunked .) Honestly, because of bad science, I can now walk down the street three blocks to the pharmacy and get a Whooping Cough vaccination because we have cases here in Washington that have stemmed from people not vaccinating their children. I like vaccinations. But not for the flu. Like I said, someday, when I fall into a higher risk category, when my b...

I'm not cool

Several years ago, on New Year's Eve, I made a resolution that I was going to run a 5k. For a variety of reasons, this has not happened. One of the primary reasons is that I don't particularly enjoy running. Those who know me have noticed I walk a little funny... on my toes, spring in my step, whatever you want to call it. The upshot of this is I have completely jacked calf muscles. The downside is that running has always been something of a challenge for me. For a long time, if I ran for more than 20 minutes, I got sharp pains inside my knee. It was insane. I never had it checked out or anything and, let me be clear, for the past eight years or so since I have been working out regularly, I have done every cardio machine in the gym, hit spin classes and more and never felt any pain. It's running. Then came the challenge. See, first of all, I live in Seattle, which means I am virtually surrounded by runners. Second, last fall, I was at a friend's wedding. This friend...